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what did you find the most challegen diablo
what would you wana get better at holah hoops things
what skill did you enjoy learning the most juggling
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Dame whina cooper walked from te hāpua to wellington. Dame whina cooper died at 98 years old.
on the way we watched a movie and it was fun and on the way we saw pia pia bay and it was fun and we got there and we played soccer and i ate lunch and then some people played cricket and it was a hot day and the and there was a red sea sponge and there was jelly fish and a dead fish and lukes dad had a motorbike and he drived it there and we went on the bus and it was a fun day and i played in the sand with my friend and we played soccer and it was fun and and my friend played rugbey and then he playedn cricket and there was shels and screams
and we had a sand fight and we saw ostes and they were sharp and and we saw another island and and there was some fish and seaweed and a stingray and some people went for a walk and i played with kassidy and rylee morton and rouke and it was a fun day and then everyone was cold when they got out and then i ate some food and then we ate it all and then i had a drink and then we were going to go soon to go back to school and then my friend went swimming and we saw ducks and the bus driver swam and the we saw rubish and wetsuits and then we sat down and we watched everone do stuff and then the day was nearly over.
Queen elizabith was 96 years old and she was nearly 100 years old and her funerl is today and her dogs are funny and she has so much money and she was born in 21 april 1926.
We watch movies
In winter it’s freezing
Night time it’s very stormy
The wind is frosty
Everyone eats soup
Rain is cold and freezing